Jafarabad Mughan
November 17, 2019
Naderi Hill
January 9, 2020
Jafarabad Mughan
November 17, 2019
Naderi Hill
January 9, 2020

Local Foods in Mughan

The followings are some of the most important local foods in the Mughan region:

Umaj Ashi- Gildik Ashi- Eggplant Dolmeh- Grape leaves Dolmeh- Qovurma- Ayran Ashi- Sutli plov (Rice & Milk)- Raisin plov (Raisin & Rice), Broth, Katteh, Qutab- Khagineh- Khashil- Saj Ichi- Kebab- Pickles.

Ayran Ashi

Ayran Ashi

Also the people of Mughan region have a special interest in cooking turkey and goat meat and they believe that the best time to eat turkey is in the fall and after the first rain, which is consistent with the findings of modern and traditional medicine.

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